The Meetings

One-line kick-off meetings

The kick-off meeting of SMARTS project took place on-line, due to COVID-19 restrictions, on the 29th and 30th of September 2020.
In the meeting, the partners established a joint work plan, ensuring a shared vision of the project and a thorough consensus and understanding of project management tools, agreement on the plan and requirements to be used during the project. Partners set the tone for a an interesting and fruitful collaboration!

2nd Online Project transnational meeting

During 28-29 September 2021 took place the second project transnational meeting. This meeting, due to the still prevailing difficult Covid context, was held online and coincided approximately with the first year of the project.

The goals for the meeting were the following:

      • Assess the joint work done by the partnership during the first year of the project;

      • Review of progress done with regards to IO1. Guidelines on SDM in the field of sexuality for professionals, family carers and service managers;

      • Preparation of IO4. Toolkit for Persons with disabilities and families on SDM in the field of sexuality;

      • Planning of next LTT, local trainings and pilot;

      • Update on internal monitoring & evaluation for year 1;

      • Review of project website before its launching;

      • Review and update on the project budget and other management issues

    The meeting was useful and timely and set a good basis to ensure an appropriate continuation of the project.

    3rd Face to Face Project transnational meeting

    Finally Project partners got to meet face to face!

    During 7-8 September 2022 project partners met in Lousã, Portugal. The meeting was hosted by the Portuguese Partner Arcil.

    The goals of the meeting were the following:

        • Partners to get to meet each other face to face!

        • Assess the joint work done during the last year of the project

        • Review the topics of IO1

        • Review the planning of LTT-2 and Local Training-2 & Pilot 2

        • Discuss draft of  IO4 and provide input

        • Update on the advisory boards

        • Review and update on the project budget

        • Review dissemination and management issues

      After almost 2 years working together, this meeting was the first one that project partners held face to face. This proved to be a very fruitful experience for partners to bond and get to know each other better. The fact to meet in person facilitated discussions and joint work.

      The meeting was very successful to set  goals and and start planning for the final steps of the project.

      4th Face to face Project transnational meeting

      The last SMARTS project transnational meeting also happened in person on 3-4 July in Brussels (Belgium). The meeting was hosted by the partner EASPD.

      Project partners were very happy to meet for a last time. The project meeting happened at the very last stage of the project and strongly contributed to wrap things up. The project meeting helped partners on the one hand to jointly assess the quality and impact of the various project products and activities and on the other hand to discuss the closure of the project at management and reporting level.